Journey to Julia Video

James 1:27 – “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction”

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The changes a year can bring

One year ago on July 3rd we returned to the US with our son from Ethiopia.  He was almost 2 and somewhat frightened by the sixteen hour flight home and these strange new things called seatbelts.

For this 4th of July, here is what our happy little immigrant looks like:

What an adorable little brother and sister.  Who but their heavenly Father could have known that these two little people with such different birth heritages and stories would come to be siblings?
This 4th of July we are thankful to have them in our family, just the same as their other brothers and sister. They really enjoyed the fireworks.

We hope by next July 4th to have another smiling little face to add to the mix!

On the current adoption front, we are completing paperwork and appointments fast and furious as you can see on our Timeline page.   We got out first official docs on the way to the birth country and completed our home study visit today as well!


  1. Congratulations on becoming little Jenny's family! It was a tough decision when we committed to our girl, and Jenny weighed heavily on my heart then and now. I'm so happy she will be coming home to a loving family! I'll be following along your journey. :)

  2. Yes, congratulations indeed!! :)
    I hope you are not offended by this, but I always thought of little Jenny as "my girl", the one I would hope to adopt someday. Realistically speaking though, that would be a year or two down the line- at best!- because we live in a country that as of today does not cooperate with Jenny's. And as she is nearing the end of her baby house stay, I kept hoping that someone, somewhere, would step forward to save this little girl who has been waiting so long and is nearing the end of the line. And suddenly it all falls into place! I am happy beyond words (if also a little jealous ;-) ), and I cross my fingers that your paperwork goes quickly. Best wishes! I'll be following along too :)

  3. So I just read your RR profile and you live near me!!!!!! I'm in westchester. AH! If you have any fundraisers or anything and need help let me know!!!
