Julia has been home with us exactly a week today. I think we are doing pretty well with getting into our new routine as a family of eight. All the school aged kids started back to school this week, some at home and our one daughter in public school and things are going well even with all the adjustments being made. Julia loves spending time with all of her brothers and sisters. She is practicing her walking a lot by holding one of the kids hands. Her main goal is to take them from the family room to the dining room where her high chair is located. This girl loves to eat. So the kids spend most of their time redirecting her and trying to get her interested in some thing else.
Julia is still adjusting to the time change. She is convinced that the best time to get up in the morning is 5 a.m. Ugh! We hope this trend passes soon.
I made an appointment with our family pediatrician a week before Julia came home, so that she could be checked out and we could start working on any medical needs she might have. Well, what I thought was going to be a "well" visit turned into a sick visit. The poor little girl woke up from her nap in Wednesday with super goopy eyes and a bad runny nose. It was a good thing I had made this appointment, because Julia has an ear infection and conjunctivitis in both eyes. Amazingly, she is already responding well to the drops the doctor prescribed and she will be on oral antibiotics for 10 days.
We also put together a plan to have her see an eye specialist and a heart specialist just to look her over. This will be the year of the "Doctor Appointments".
Most days have been really enjoyable and Julia is adjusting really well to her new life. We have had some periods where Julia is very upset and seems overwhelmed. We wish so badly at those times that we could communicate with her and she could tell us what she is thinking and feeling. Since this is not the case, we do our best to console her and help her through the rough patch.
One thing that really seems to make her happy and relaxed is bath time. She goes crazy in the water. We can't wait to get her in the pool this summer.
Thanks for checking in with us. It has been a busy week and posting on the blog sort of took a back seat to all the activities.
I'll have Tom or Caleb post some pictures soon. Bye for now.
2 months ago