Greetings friends. We told you once before (exactly two years ago actually) that we're not really garage sale people, but this Memorial Day we found ourselves running another garage sale to raise money for Reece's Rainbow and three special orphans and the families currently working to bring them home.
Things were a little different this time around. Reece's Rainbow and the orphans they advocate for were not abstract at all. Our little Ukrainian princess was right there with us, getting wagon rides around the yard, generally having a grand old time.
The sale looked something like this.
Gabriela and Elizabeth's refreshment stand was open for business...
A woman stopped by and was chatting with us about the program and our little Julia. It turns out the woman is of Ukrainian descent and she thought Julia was greater then sliced bread (which she is). She observed Julia playing with her favorite electric guitar and other musical toys. She disappeared for about five minutes, and then returned with this priceless find for our little rock star.
So thank you to that sweet lady for thinking of little miss J.
We didn't make a bazillion dollars or anything, but let's just say there are a few waiting children that will have a few more dollars in their accounts tonight. Happy Memorial Day to all, and thank God for the journey that began two years ago today and for the upcoming anniversary of Gotcha Day this December.
2 months ago