The changes a week can bring. We've dedicated ourselves to a path and now the sea of paperwork begins. Our home study team is onboard and is scheduled to meet with us in the next couple weeks. We're quickly compiling the documents we can on our own, and kicking off the things we need others to do for us (references, employment letters, medical reviews,...). The pile of home study and dossier paperwork on the official "work table" is quickly growing.
With a child identified at the end of this journey, this feels so different then our last two adoptions. Then we didn't know if the child we were to adopt was even born yet, so the pace was a little less frantic. This time there is a little girl out there that has been in an institution for too long, so every day we have to wait is one too many.
We know this process is in God's hands, and there is no guarantee she will still be there when we get there, but we are hopeful. We can't wait until we are official enough to share her adorable little face with you.
In the meantime, we hope, we pray, we photocopy, we notarize, we fill in more forms and we wait. What a complicated process. And it is all different then when we did it all less then two years ago, partly because it is a different country, partly because US and international adoption requirements have just gotten that much tougher.
Keep us in your prayers - we sure can use them!
2 months ago
Praying for you as you begin your adoption journey once again! We are adopting AJ, from Ukraine through RR as well. Look forward to following your journey!
You are in my prayers every step of the way!!!!!