Hey Everyone! Today I'd like to talk to you about an awesome example of taking Orphan Advocacy to a newer, more extreme level. Recently we were contacted by a man named Brady Murray, father to an adorable little guy with Down Syndrome named Nash. Brady is running an Iron Man race to help raise money for an adorable little girl on Reece's Rainbow named Maggie (look at her profile by clicking her name).
While this goal is incredible enough on its own, Brady hopes to be in the Iron Man World Championship in Kona Hawaii to spread the word about Orphans with Down Syndrome even more. But to get to Kona, Brady needs your help. Following the link HERE you can vote for a 90 second video of Brady and Nash talking about their mission with the Iron Man World Championship. If Brady is one of the winners, not only will he go to Kona Hawaii to race for Orphans with Down Syndrome, but the video you watch will be TELEVISED on NBC's coverage of the IMWC. Please vote for this awesome man and his amazing mission, and the best of wishes to the Murray clan in this endeavor!
You can also check out the website for their foundation RODS racing, here, and their advocating/fundraising blog, One Step Closer To Home, where they are currently raising money for Maggie, here.
2 months ago